13 enero 2013


Después de demasiados intentos por bajar de peso y mantenerlo he decidido hacer un plan que dura un año aproximadamente. Me he dado cuenta que de nada sirve bajar mucho en poco tiempo si el peso lo recupero casi igual de rápido, prefiero seguir un plan que sea lento pero que sea consistente y que defina cambios de hábitos.

Fue un fin de semana horrible, escuchando a mi mamá decirme gorda todo el día todos los días, el enemigo lo tengo en casa... de hecho me acaba de hacer llorar y en estos momentos me gustaría tanto morirme... todas las noches me acuesto rogandole a Dios ya no despertar... gente de afuera rechazandote y haciéndote sentir mal por ser gorda y que tu casa tampoco sea el refugio dónde puedes recostar tu cabeza para descanzar un poco sino que te prolongue el sufrimiento...

Bueno, explicando el calendario... hoy es 13 de enero de 2013 lo que quiere decir que faltan 353 días para que termine el año, osea que es la oportunidad número 353 del año, el día de hoy debí pesar en la mañana 98.8 kg y hasta el día de hoy debí haber perdido 1.2 kg en total.

Hasta el momento he perdido el peso de acuerdo a lo planeado, y cómo sólo debo perder 100 grs diarios es poco probable que me atrase demasiado o que no pueda bajarlos, la meta final de enero es estar en los 97 kg y para final de año es estar en 65 kgs, perderé un kilogramo cada diez días. Trataré de actualizar lo más posible cómo voy avanzando en el plan, las altas y las bajas, lo bueno y lo malo.

2 comentarios:

  1. My darling,

    I've studied Spanish for a little bit so I understand your posts, but feel a lot more comfortable writing to you in English...hope that doesn't matter to you too much :)

    Let me just tell you first that...it's all possible, you can really do and (in the end) achieve anything you set your mind to if you just keep your eyes on the goal. And if you stay as determined as you are now, it will be a lot simpler than you think. I'm not going to lie-- it won't be easy, there might be more downs than ups on the way there (wherever 'there' is), but overall it will be worth it, it really will.

    And...I know exactly how much it hurts when those closest to you tell you how fat you've become, how much gain you've gained, how you're stuffing your face all the time...those are the words that hurt the most (my father has been doing it for years now, and it still hurts, I still cannot get over those little remarks, and I don't think I ever will). BUT...we have each other, darling, we're all in this together, so no matter how alone or lonely you feel on your path, well, in fact, we're all alone here, yet somehow together, connected, thus strong.

    Stay strong (and beautiful), baby.

  2. My darling,

    I've studied Spanish for a little bit so I understand your posts, but feel a lot more comfortable writing to you in English...hope that doesn't matter to you too much :)

    Let me just tell you first that...it's all possible, you can really do and (in the end) achieve anything you set your mind to if you just keep your eyes on the goal. And if you stay as determined as you are now, it will be a lot simpler than you think. I'm not going to lie-- it won't be easy, there might be more downs than ups on the way there (wherever 'there' is), but overall it will be worth it, it really will.

    And...I know exactly how much it hurts when those closest to you tell you how fat you've become, how much gain you've gained, how you're stuffing your face all the time...those are the words that hurt the most (my father has been doing it for years now, and it still hurts, I still cannot get over those little remarks, and I don't think I ever will). BUT...we have each other, darling, we're all in this together, so no matter how alone or lonely you feel on your path, well, in fact, we're all alone here, yet somehow together, connected, thus strong.

    Stay strong (and beautiful), baby.


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